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LIMS Analyst Career Profile

LIMS Analyst

LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) is an electronic way of recording everything that happens in a lab. These solutions are often delivered by a consultancy company (to smaller companies) or by an in-house team (larger companies). Roles therefore vary between consultative roles with lots of Client relationship management to in-house positions which are very project focussed. These positions suit someone with a Scientific degree combined with a postgrad in IT being desirable. Other career avenues include moving into a LIMS project role from a Quality Control position, and becoming an expert in this niche area.


  • Science or engineering degree.
  • A proven background in the application of quality standards to software implementation.
  • Experience of Requirements Analysis, Design, Project Management and Software Configuration.
  • Experience of LIMS or regulatory compliance in the pharma, clinical or healthcare industries.

Some further key skills/areas of experience desirable are:

  • A broad knowledge of QA/QC laboratory procedures in R&D and Manufacturing environments.
  • An aptitude for data-driven software product configuration.
  • Good understanding of relational database theory & design (Oracle, SQL)
  • A high standard of technical and procedural documentation.
  • Systems analysis and design.
  • Structured procedural and Object Oriented Programming.